Univeristy Feast

Univeristy Feast


On December 16th, nearly 140 awards were presented to employees and students of Wroclaw Medical University during the University Celebration in the historic Aula Leopoldina. The event highlighted achievements in science, teaching, administration, and promotion in 2024, and included the Prof. Wiktor Bross Awards for outstanding clinical work at the University Clinical Hospital.

The University Celebration is a time for us to celebrate the present, to pause, recognize how much we have achieved together, and express our gratitude – emphasized Rector, Prof. Piotr Ponikowski. – Importantly, it concerns all groups that make up our community: scientists, teachers, clinicians, administrative staff, and students. We do not forget the past – the 75th anniversary is ahead of us – and we plan for the future, but once a year, we want to highlight that what we do here and now is significant and deserves recognition. This is what the University Celebration means to us.

the galery of the photos >>>

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e-mail: absolwent@umw.edu.pl

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